Today it is normal to arrange not only business but also private matters by telephone. Many of them are sensitive. How can one protect themselves from undesired misuse by other people?
We recommend that Silentel be installed into notebooks, smartphones, tablets or laptops. Certified by national security systems, including the National Security Authority (NBÚ) in Slovakia, this system is listed in the NATO list of products in the area of information safety.
This product ensures that your communication will be really safe. It is not about standard transmission of voice but transmission of data and transformation of data information and flows between two terminal devices. We do not recommend freely available products, which can be downloaded from the internet for free and which are designated for “fun” communication, e.g. WhatsApp, Viber or Skype, as an alternative to this security product. They may have the same security level but privacy, safety and encoding is not their primary function. They should not be mistaken for products specifically designated for safe voice or mobile communication.
No special appliance is needed to install security products, in this case Silentel. It is important that data services be activated in the equipment as the product uses the telecommunication operator’s data services, not voice services. This way, you become anonymous for a potential attacker or anyone trying to monitor and listen to your phone calls. The attacker basically does not know that you are making a phone call. Communication (voice or video transmission) can be identified based on the data flow if he finds out that your data transmission rose but he cannot identify the communication at the certain moment. Moreover, it is encrypted communication during which two participants at the terminal devices change their encryption keys. After the communication, the keys are deleted and new keys are generated with every new communication. It does not apply to communities or users that are publicly accessible but to closed groups of users or people who create their communication group or who have it created within the company, clients, family etc. It is therefore impossible to send any requests as in social networks.
This application, which we offer to our clients, supports the most common operational systems – i.e. iOS, Android, Windows, BlackBerry.